Who we are? Read our Story
It includes among its priorities establishing of schools and madaris to equip children, coming from poor Muslim societies educationally and economically backward, with both religious and contemporary education.
It also gives equal importance to imparting higher education to Muslim girls and boys.
The Foundation does not have enough resources required to accomplish these goals. The institution is in urgent need of a vast land, approximately three acres, for a Masjid, a Madrasa and a school. We plan to start a madrasa of Hifz and Nazera that will provide with free and standard fooding and lodging facilities to the students. We have started a school....
If the Foundation continues getting logical and financial support from the well wishers it can achieve its goal of bringing economic and academic revolution in the backward rural areas. We put our trust in Allah. We request you to help us accomplish these dreams and also ask your friends and dear ones to contribute their share to the Foundation.
Give Us Financial and Moral Support And We Will Give You A Dignified and Educated Society
You can help the Foundation in these ways:
- Lifetime (honourary) membership of the Foundation: Rs. 5,000
- Annual Membership of the Foundation: Rs. 1,000
- Monthly Membership of the Foundation: Rs. 100
- Average monthly salary of a teacher: Rs. 4,000
- Monthly expenses over a student: Rs. 800
You can also help us through Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of Charity like skin of Qurbani, Ushr and endowing land & religious books to the Foundation. Besides, you can donate bricks, stones, cement and iron sticks for construction purposes. You can also help us by remembering us in your prayers and by offering us any suggestion regarding education and management. If Allah wills, we will use each penny donated by you in its right place and in promotion of education. We will take it seriously that we use Zakat amount only where it is allowed Islamically.
What we do? See Our Works
Helping child in India
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